Let love speak to us all and hold our hands,
When we are worried, all alone at night,
Let words fall like the touch of gentle sands,
Upon our hearts to make us feel alright.
When all is lost and lonely in our lives,
Let love appear inside us and begin
To show us how the will of man survives,
And how our strength is never to give in.
It seems at times like all is lost and done,
But many things can make us feel that way,
Our tiredness can seem to weigh a tonne
And all seems dark before the light of day
But when the world seems dark and filled with rage,
Remember you're a soul inside a cage.
529 (30.11.2015)
Sat in the sauna with two other men,
All of us the same age I roughly guess.
Discussing diet and sugar and when
And why we find it so hard to eat less.
"Five massive donuts for 45P."
"Beer's cheaper than water in Morrison's."
"Don't stand a chance do hungry men like me."
"They're shooting us with diabetes guns."
I sit there for a while and then I leave,
I've swum a little bit, I change and go
Home for a lunch I'm not sure I believe,
Will fill my heart and head and make me glow.
We're all the same we're trapped inside a shell,
We either take control or go to hell.
All of us the same age I roughly guess.
Discussing diet and sugar and when
And why we find it so hard to eat less.
"Five massive donuts for 45P."
"Beer's cheaper than water in Morrison's."
"Don't stand a chance do hungry men like me."
"They're shooting us with diabetes guns."
I sit there for a while and then I leave,
I've swum a little bit, I change and go
Home for a lunch I'm not sure I believe,
Will fill my heart and head and make me glow.
We're all the same we're trapped inside a shell,
We either take control or go to hell.
528 (29.11.2015)
We've gathered here in pictures for you both,
There's nothing wrong with being left alone
It's all a part of friendship's natural growth,
We grow and then we change and then we're stone.
We've got a little smile for you as well,
We mentioned you in passing just a bit,
But of ourselves we have so much to tell,
It's hard remembering the old misfit.
It's funny how things change so gradually,
The summer slides to autumn then it's cold,
And winter beckons all so constantly,
The next we know we're all just grey and old.
It doesn't really matter being last,
When life's a funny thing lived in the past.
There's nothing wrong with being left alone
It's all a part of friendship's natural growth,
We grow and then we change and then we're stone.
We've got a little smile for you as well,
We mentioned you in passing just a bit,
But of ourselves we have so much to tell,
It's hard remembering the old misfit.
It's funny how things change so gradually,
The summer slides to autumn then it's cold,
And winter beckons all so constantly,
The next we know we're all just grey and old.
It doesn't really matter being last,
When life's a funny thing lived in the past.
527 (28.11.2015)
O poor old you, my dear old Mr C,
Was this world never meant for peaceful men?
They will not let you live in peace and see
What happens if we trust ourselves again.
They're shaking swords and baying for some blood,
They don't care who is innocent of guilt,
They only want to bathe beneath the flood,
Of all the blood that ever has been spilt.
We're sacrificial lambs beneath the press
That presses down on all the good in us,
And puts us all in states of fear and stress,
Until we burst like devils drowned in puss.
I do not understand, and never will...
What happened to the words "Thou shalt not kill."?
Was this world never meant for peaceful men?
They will not let you live in peace and see
What happens if we trust ourselves again.
They're shaking swords and baying for some blood,
They don't care who is innocent of guilt,
They only want to bathe beneath the flood,
Of all the blood that ever has been spilt.
We're sacrificial lambs beneath the press
That presses down on all the good in us,
And puts us all in states of fear and stress,
Until we burst like devils drowned in puss.
I do not understand, and never will...
What happened to the words "Thou shalt not kill."?
526 (27.11.2015)
I took some time out to sit with my mum,
He paid her to touch him when she was four
And that was just the first, soon she was numb
Again, again abused like times before.
In school only one teacher let her be,
The others all snogged her and touched her tits,
The headmaster, she said, breathed heavily,
Regard how gently evil on men sits.
Her uncle was the worst of course, the worst,
Got her to lick the syrup off his cock,
If she refused he raged and screamed and cursed,
Left notes inside the phone book by the clock.
And I sprang out of this in waves of pain,
I leave her flat and walk home through the rain.
He paid her to touch him when she was four
And that was just the first, soon she was numb
Again, again abused like times before.
In school only one teacher let her be,
The others all snogged her and touched her tits,
The headmaster, she said, breathed heavily,
Regard how gently evil on men sits.
Her uncle was the worst of course, the worst,
Got her to lick the syrup off his cock,
If she refused he raged and screamed and cursed,
Left notes inside the phone book by the clock.
And I sprang out of this in waves of pain,
I leave her flat and walk home through the rain.
525 (27.11.2015)
Well what a waste of time it is sometimes,
When we try hard to satisfy our needs,
But still the things we want are like the chimes
Of bells that are all covered up with weeds.
We must not fear the worst when times are slow,
We must not worry or we'd only stop,
When we try hard to satisfy our needs,
But still the things we want are like the chimes
Of bells that are all covered up with weeds.
We must not fear the worst when times are slow,
We must not worry or we'd only stop,
It's best to just let all the bad days go
And keep on walking till we reach the top.
I've got something to tell you but I can't
Remember what it was I wished to say,
I could just make it up but no I shan't
It's better to keep silent for today.
Sometimes the day works out and is alright
And other days the day is black as night
524 (26.11.2015)
Go on, do it, or maybe do it twice
It might not be worth keeping or it might
It might be pretty dull or be quite nice,
It might set something inside you alight.
Stand up and then be counted and then go,
Go back to where you started from before,
Take what you've done or put it out on show,
It will not matter when you're through the door.
I would not wish on you a single ill,
I hope your life is happy and fulfilled,
I wish that there was just a little pill
To bring back all the thought that time has killed.
You do it then, and hold it up for me,
And I come round and watch your work and see.
523 (25.11.2015)
Far out across the dark night you are there,
The full moon up above me shines on you,
I hear your voice call through the crispin air
And think until your face comes into view.
I know that you cannot be here right now,
And sadly I cannot be where you are,
Yet when I think of you space melts somehow,
And distances between us seem less far.
See all the little things for which I yearn
Are magnified when I miss you so much,
When all I really want is your return.
And all I really need's your gentle touch,
Can't you just text me now and maybe say,
That it's the last time that you'll go away?
The full moon up above me shines on you,
I hear your voice call through the crispin air
And think until your face comes into view.
I know that you cannot be here right now,
And sadly I cannot be where you are,
Yet when I think of you space melts somehow,
And distances between us seem less far.
See all the little things for which I yearn
Are magnified when I miss you so much,
When all I really want is your return.
And all I really need's your gentle touch,
Can't you just text me now and maybe say,
That it's the last time that you'll go away?
522 (24.11.2015)
So now we're slipping slowly into war,
And no one seems to understand or care
We're waking up that savage little whore,
And spreading all her rumours everywhere.
I'd always hoped I'd not be seeing this,
I'd spend a lifetime bathed in tranquil peace,
But now we hear that stealthy serpent's hiss
And watch it gather nearer death's release.
So many try so hard to market calm,
But marketers of war and false alarm,
Have no wish to surrender or disarm,
And more than just themselves they wish to harm.
So we bow down and do as we are drilled,
And all the good in man is slowly killed.
And no one seems to understand or care
We're waking up that savage little whore,
And spreading all her rumours everywhere.
I'd always hoped I'd not be seeing this,
I'd spend a lifetime bathed in tranquil peace,
But now we hear that stealthy serpent's hiss
And watch it gather nearer death's release.
So many try so hard to market calm,
But marketers of war and false alarm,
Have no wish to surrender or disarm,
And more than just themselves they wish to harm.
So we bow down and do as we are drilled,
And all the good in man is slowly killed.
521 (23.11.2015)
How can you live your life so filled with hate,
For anything that's not the same as you?
We listen as you steadily berate,
The sight of everything that's slightly new.
We try to understand it's just your age,
We know that times where hard when you were raised
But still the seething cesspool of your rage,
Leaves all of us dumbfounded and amazed
You had to struggle so hard to survive,
It's like you never really learnt to give
And though you felt at times you were alive,
It's like they never really let you live.
And now you judge by colour and by skin,
And cannot see that this perhaps is sin.
For anything that's not the same as you?
We listen as you steadily berate,
The sight of everything that's slightly new.
We try to understand it's just your age,
We know that times where hard when you were raised
But still the seething cesspool of your rage,
Leaves all of us dumbfounded and amazed
You had to struggle so hard to survive,
It's like you never really learnt to give
And though you felt at times you were alive,
It's like they never really let you live.
And now you judge by colour and by skin,
And cannot see that this perhaps is sin.
520 (22.11.2015)
My mum made it to eighty years this week,
She smiles and walks and talks like all of us,
Eighty years is of course not that unique,
But twenty years not paying for the bus?
Some children die inside their mother's womb,
Some babies die too young to even smile,
But what of where and why and when and whom,
Do we wait in a queue in single file?
So one by one we shuffle off the earth,
Without a thought for age or what we've done,
Without a thought for what we think we're worth,
Or whether we're a good or wayward son.
So death he comes and takes us all away,
But not my mum, who's eighty years today.
She smiles and walks and talks like all of us,
Eighty years is of course not that unique,
But twenty years not paying for the bus?
Some children die inside their mother's womb,
Some babies die too young to even smile,
But what of where and why and when and whom,
Do we wait in a queue in single file?
So one by one we shuffle off the earth,
Without a thought for age or what we've done,
Without a thought for what we think we're worth,
Or whether we're a good or wayward son.
So death he comes and takes us all away,
But not my mum, who's eighty years today.
519 (21.11.2015)
When it is cold outside and winter's here,
When frosty winds they bite at hands and toes,
It's nice to know that friends are close and near,
On Facebook where our friendly banter glows.
I message friends, or post a word or two,
I see their jokes and comment on their words,
I smile at things they say and things they do
We share our lives like happy twitt'ring birds.
I have an app upon my mobile phone,
It notifies me when something's been said
I know that I am never all alone,
Not even late at night when I'm in bed.
It's sort of like a blessing and a curse,
But loneliness is scarier and worse.
When frosty winds they bite at hands and toes,
It's nice to know that friends are close and near,
On Facebook where our friendly banter glows.
I message friends, or post a word or two,
I see their jokes and comment on their words,
I smile at things they say and things they do
We share our lives like happy twitt'ring birds.
I have an app upon my mobile phone,
It notifies me when something's been said
I know that I am never all alone,
Not even late at night when I'm in bed.
It's sort of like a blessing and a curse,
But loneliness is scarier and worse.
518 (20.11.2015)
Maybe I should have been a boxer and
Had all these words just beaten out of me
Then rested with my head inside a hand
And let the world wash over me and be.
Perhaps I should have spoken to myself
And told myself normality was best
When I was young and worried on a shelf
And knew that I could find a place to rest.
But now I walk in circles and I spin,
A web for myself every single day,
I wish that I could fight it and give in
But somethings keeps me pushing all the way.
I do not want to do this help me stop,
Give me a good excuse to let it drop.
Had all these words just beaten out of me
Then rested with my head inside a hand
And let the world wash over me and be.
Perhaps I should have spoken to myself
And told myself normality was best
When I was young and worried on a shelf
And knew that I could find a place to rest.
But now I walk in circles and I spin,
A web for myself every single day,
I wish that I could fight it and give in
But somethings keeps me pushing all the way.
I do not want to do this help me stop,
Give me a good excuse to let it drop.
517 (20.11.2015)
I want to be a bird up in the sky,
I want to fly away from me a while,
And watch from up above, the world pass by,
And try and give myself a chance to smile.
I want to want no more but just to be,
To let myself be unlocked for a bit,
To let my heart be happy, loved and free
To let my life go by and just to sit.
If I could fly and slip away somehow,
Up there between the clouds and brightest blue,
If only it was possible right now
For me to slip entirely from view.
I want to be a bird and just be gone,
Yet somehow all my life just carries on.
I want to fly away from me a while,
And watch from up above, the world pass by,
And try and give myself a chance to smile.
I want to want no more but just to be,
To let myself be unlocked for a bit,
To let my heart be happy, loved and free
To let my life go by and just to sit.
If I could fly and slip away somehow,
Up there between the clouds and brightest blue,
If only it was possible right now
For me to slip entirely from view.
I want to be a bird and just be gone,
Yet somehow all my life just carries on.
516 (20.11.2015)
We are the fall guys come and blow us up,
It's our fault that your countries are at war,
We drink from evil's overflowing cup
And swim in death like shoals of albacore.
We did not protest we just watched TV,
We did not raise our voices and unite,
With you the lost and lonely forced to flee
By our unfettered leader's fearsome bite.
We are the rich our children sleep in beds,
We eat smoked salmon when we have the urge,
And all our media does is fill our heads
With lies that are so difficult to purge.
Forgive us, we are foolish and we fall,
Or better still perhaps just kill us all.
It's our fault that your countries are at war,
We drink from evil's overflowing cup
And swim in death like shoals of albacore.
We did not protest we just watched TV,
We did not raise our voices and unite,
With you the lost and lonely forced to flee
By our unfettered leader's fearsome bite.
We are the rich our children sleep in beds,
We eat smoked salmon when we have the urge,
And all our media does is fill our heads
With lies that are so difficult to purge.
Forgive us, we are foolish and we fall,
Or better still perhaps just kill us all.
515 (20.11.2015)
I think that I can see with my eyes shut,
For when I shut my eyes I see your face,
And your sweet eyes that through my problems cut
Until the world lies in its rightful place.
It is so safe in that dim space of mine,
When I sit with you cuddled in the dark
And everything seems right and almost fine,
Where you and I are nothing but a spark.
I want to stay there but I'm still alive,
I want to shelter in my head with you
In dark where darkness only can survive,
But still the light of love shines for us two.
I want to close my eyes and rest a while,
And in my dreams see nothing but your smile.
For when I shut my eyes I see your face,
And your sweet eyes that through my problems cut
Until the world lies in its rightful place.
It is so safe in that dim space of mine,
When I sit with you cuddled in the dark
And everything seems right and almost fine,
Where you and I are nothing but a spark.
I want to stay there but I'm still alive,
I want to shelter in my head with you
In dark where darkness only can survive,
But still the light of love shines for us two.
I want to close my eyes and rest a while,
And in my dreams see nothing but your smile.
514 (19.11.2015)
Who isn't sick of stagnant words right now?
Whose head is not filled up with wasted words?
Does nobody else want to take a bow,
And throw all letters out to passing birds.
I hate all things I've written and all thought
I wish I'd never clicked out any lines,
For all amounts to little more than nought
When I look at our world and read the signs.
How petty is all thought and word and deed?
How lost are all the things we think we've done,
When we stand in the presence of real need,
And in the shadow of a loaded gun.
For words are words and only words they are,
With only words we only get so far.
Does nobody else want to take a bow,
And throw all letters out to passing birds.
I hate all things I've written and all thought
I wish I'd never clicked out any lines,
For all amounts to little more than nought
When I look at our world and read the signs.
How petty is all thought and word and deed?
How lost are all the things we think we've done,
When we stand in the presence of real need,
And in the shadow of a loaded gun.
For words are words and only words they are,
With only words we only get so far.
513 (18.11.2015)
I've got a shell I'm gonna climb in now,
And hideaway from all the world a while,
I'll put these things away behind my brow,
Impose on myself my own self exile.
The weather invites closing down of things,
I've shut the shutters up and locked the doors,
Outside the wind with winter's chorus sings,
Inside there's only sounds of sounds outdoors.
Turn off the lights go back to bed and stay,
There where it's nice and warm beneath the sheets,
Let's hibernate until the month of May,
Then reemerge to spring and all its treats.
The wind is bending trees out in the rain,
Don't wake me up until it's warm again.
And hideaway from all the world a while,
I'll put these things away behind my brow,
Impose on myself my own self exile.
The weather invites closing down of things,
I've shut the shutters up and locked the doors,
Outside the wind with winter's chorus sings,
Inside there's only sounds of sounds outdoors.
Turn off the lights go back to bed and stay,
There where it's nice and warm beneath the sheets,
Let's hibernate until the month of May,
Then reemerge to spring and all its treats.
The wind is bending trees out in the rain,
Don't wake me up until it's warm again.
512 (17.11.2015)
You can not be a human with no heart,
(Or that's what all the doctors say at least)
But I see people argue for a start,
And then treat fellow man just like a beast.
We are all flesh and bone and blood and love,
We are all one and soul and lonely man,
We are all lost beneath the stars above
We are all struggling as best we can.
We are all floating souls inside a tin,
We are all love and dripping fields of change
We are all of the things that are within
We are all of the things swept out of range.
We have a heart that we all try to use,
Sometimes we win but many times we lose.
(Or that's what all the doctors say at least)
But I see people argue for a start,
And then treat fellow man just like a beast.
We are all flesh and bone and blood and love,
We are all one and soul and lonely man,
We are all lost beneath the stars above
We are all struggling as best we can.
We are all floating souls inside a tin,
We are all love and dripping fields of change
We are all of the things that are within
We are all of the things swept out of range.
We have a heart that we all try to use,
Sometimes we win but many times we lose.
511 (16.11.2015)
I'm happy to give cash to MI5
Let's have a funding fun day just for that,
I am so pleased that I am still alive...
I'd gladly be trampled on like a mat.
Who cares about our human rights right now?
Just take them please but keep us safe and warm,
As long as you protect us all somehow
I'd gladly give up freedom and conform.
GCHQ and MI5 and 6,
Let's give them all the money that they need,
So they can do more of their dirty tricks,
Let's have a funding fun day just for that,
I am so pleased that I am still alive...
I'd gladly be trampled on like a mat.
Who cares about our human rights right now?
Just take them please but keep us safe and warm,
As long as you protect us all somehow
I'd gladly give up freedom and conform.
GCHQ and MI5 and 6,
Let's give them all the money that they need,
So they can do more of their dirty tricks,
And we can keep on living with our greed.
The answer's always just to pay and pay
The answer's always just to pay and pay
Throw money at them, problems fade away.
510 (15.11.2015)
We packed the house about a year ago,
And things began to change so steadily,
We're still here now of course, things moved quite slow,
But sometimes it is better not to flee.
We made some little changes to our lives
And started doing what we thought we should,
It's funny how the will of man survives,
And things that we commit to turn out good.
There's things we know but are afraid to try,
And things we keep on doing that we hate,
And all the while time's floating gently,
And suddenly, you know, it's just too late.
You might as well just give something a go,
'Cause if you never do, you'll never know.
And things began to change so steadily,
We're still here now of course, things moved quite slow,
But sometimes it is better not to flee.
We made some little changes to our lives
And started doing what we thought we should,
It's funny how the will of man survives,
And things that we commit to turn out good.
There's things we know but are afraid to try,
And things we keep on doing that we hate,
And all the while time's floating gently,
And suddenly, you know, it's just too late.
You might as well just give something a go,
'Cause if you never do, you'll never know.
509 (14.11.2015)
Such a good excuse to shut the border,
Could not have planned it better by ourselvesPut the world to rights in perfect order,
Shove lefty ideas back up on the shelves.
They started saying they love refugees
And that we should just let in more and more
So now we've brought them all back to their knees
And all that's left to do is start a war.
Of course it's sad, my heart bleeds for the dead,
But chances like this cannot just be missed,
Those immigrants are so easily led
From refugee to instant terrorist.
Who cares if they all die from war or draught,
Let's build a great big wall and keep them out.
But chances like this cannot just be missed,
Those immigrants are so easily led
From refugee to instant terrorist.
Who cares if they all die from war or draught,
Let's build a great big wall and keep them out.
508 (13.11.2015)
You need not fear that time will touch your face,
Nor need you worry that some people die,
There's nothing in the world that can erase,
The words of love that flow from you and I.
For when we speak a word, that word remains
Beyond the ageing confines of the clock,
And all the weary, world of worried pains
Is shattered like a glass upon a rock.
I hold your hand, I whisper in your ear,
I pass away the night held in your arms,
And time becomes a fickle, fleeting fear,
That every moment with you gently calms.
And when the darkness closes in on me,
Your words will fill my soul eternally.
Nor need you worry that some people die,
There's nothing in the world that can erase,
The words of love that flow from you and I.
For when we speak a word, that word remains
Beyond the ageing confines of the clock,
And all the weary, world of worried pains
Is shattered like a glass upon a rock.
I hold your hand, I whisper in your ear,
I pass away the night held in your arms,
And time becomes a fickle, fleeting fear,
That every moment with you gently calms.
And when the darkness closes in on me,
Your words will fill my soul eternally.
507 (12.11.2015)
When your whole world seems lost and full of tears
When everything you do seems to go wrong,
And nothing can allay you're deepest fears,
I'd like to sing for you a simple song.
And in this song I'd like to write some lines,
That cheer you up and stop you feeling bad,
And show you how to read the little signs,
That lead away from paths of feeling sad.
In life there's often moments we forget,
When normal seems to sweep away the world,
As though there's nothing better we can get,
As though the coil of life has been unfurled.
And we are all left stranded and alone
Waiting to hear the message on the phone
In life there's often moments we forget,
When normal seems to sweep away the world,
As though there's nothing better we can get,
As though the coil of life has been unfurled.
And we are all left stranded and alone
Waiting to hear the message on the phone
506 (11.11.2015)
Oreos, sugar bomb, diabetes,
Maltesers, Snickers, Mars and chocolate bread
Only the best for our favourite disease
We'll keep on eating ice creams till we're dead.
Give me another vat of chocolate mouse
A coffee with six sugars full of sin
I've tried to stop my hands but it's no use,
I see those shiny wrappers and cave in.
It's not that I'm an addict though, of course,
It's just that I don't think apples are sweet,
And oranges? They fill me with remorse,
That they're not Terry's Chocolate Orange treat.
It's just a choice I've made and I suppose,
That one day soon they'll amputate my toes.
Maltesers, Snickers, Mars and chocolate bread
Only the best for our favourite disease
We'll keep on eating ice creams till we're dead.
Give me another vat of chocolate mouse
A coffee with six sugars full of sin
I've tried to stop my hands but it's no use,
I see those shiny wrappers and cave in.
It's not that I'm an addict though, of course,
It's just that I don't think apples are sweet,
And oranges? They fill me with remorse,
That they're not Terry's Chocolate Orange treat.
It's just a choice I've made and I suppose,
That one day soon they'll amputate my toes.
505 (10.11.2015)
I watch in terror as the days unfold,
I try hard to let things play as they will,
But nothing seems to do what it's been told,
And every little difference makes me ill.
There's nothing left when I fall fast asleep,
I close my eyes and this world slips to dreams
There's nothing left of it I'd wish to keep
And all I touch is other than it seems.
We slip around the sun and morning comes,
Then fast as ice it's gone and night is here,
And all of us with our opposing thumbs
Can never know when we will disappear.
The days they spin in circles round the sun,
And light and shadows dance on everyone.
I try hard to let things play as they will,
But nothing seems to do what it's been told,
And every little difference makes me ill.
There's nothing left when I fall fast asleep,
I close my eyes and this world slips to dreams
There's nothing left of it I'd wish to keep
And all I touch is other than it seems.
We slip around the sun and morning comes,
Then fast as ice it's gone and night is here,
And all of us with our opposing thumbs
Can never know when we will disappear.
The days they spin in circles round the sun,
And light and shadows dance on everyone.
504 (09.11.2015)
The rounded wind it howls out in the tree,
We sit inside as safe as passers by,
And do not hear the flutter of a plea
Or understand the slightest reason why
We bow down to the will and then repent,
We stumble on the back of fortune's wheel,
We feel the rack upon which we are bent
Yet do not understand just how we feel.
I burn for clarity at times at night,
I long for a solution in my mind,
Just a little voice to say 'Alright.'
And let me know I am not deaf and blind,
I long to slip my neck out of this yoke,
I long to stop my thoughts and tell a joke.
We sit inside as safe as passers by,
And do not hear the flutter of a plea
Or understand the slightest reason why
We bow down to the will and then repent,
We stumble on the back of fortune's wheel,
We feel the rack upon which we are bent
Yet do not understand just how we feel.
I burn for clarity at times at night,
I long for a solution in my mind,
Just a little voice to say 'Alright.'
And let me know I am not deaf and blind,
I long to slip my neck out of this yoke,
I long to stop my thoughts and tell a joke.
503 (08.10.2015)
Saw Radio one's Teen Awards today,
At Wembley Arena, full of screams,
And all the thousands more at home ok?
Watching it, and it filling them with dreams.
Watched it with my children and understood...
The things I cared for no longer recalled,
Each little fault so amplified by time,
Over burning coals my memories hauled,
Or bleached inside a pot of burning lime.
Keep interested in everything you can,
Keep doing what you think you do the best,
And try to have some sort of simple plan
And understand that often life's a test.
Not even they are getting younger now,
But change your heart and you can show them how.
502 (07.10.2015)
Tonight there's fireworks sparkling in the sky,
The world is cool and cold and damp and dark,
The autumn leaves slip under passers by
And shadows light the trees that line the park.
Erratic claps of thunder breech the air,
And waken up our tired sleeping dog,
Who barks just once but then seems not to care,
That Elliot's cat prowls outside like a fog.
The night is heavy dripped and laden down,
The branches of the trees are waterfalls,
Bright children light their sparklers and then clown
Around, beneath the sound of siren's calls.
The fifth was only two short days ago,
A shame that Guy Fawkes disappointed so.
The world is cool and cold and damp and dark,
The autumn leaves slip under passers by
And shadows light the trees that line the park.
Erratic claps of thunder breech the air,
And waken up our tired sleeping dog,
Who barks just once but then seems not to care,
That Elliot's cat prowls outside like a fog.
The night is heavy dripped and laden down,
The branches of the trees are waterfalls,
Bright children light their sparklers and then clown
Around, beneath the sound of siren's calls.
The fifth was only two short days ago,
A shame that Guy Fawkes disappointed so.
501 (06.10.2015)
I want to live in hope and sometimes do,
I'm filled with faith and love for all mankind
I know good will eventually shine through
And that men understand and are not blind.
I want to live in hope and sometimes close
My eyes to all the evil that I see,
And all the sin that from the devil flows
And everyday is thrust in front of me.
I close my eyes to all the darkest part
Of this cruel world in which we're floundering,
And I try hard to have a faithful heart,
And have a soul that wants to grow and sing.
I say my glass is half full and confound,
My eyes that see it smashed upon the ground.
500 (05.11.2015)
Thank you for travelling with me on this road
It makes a difference that I know you're there,
When I'm so bored I think that I'll implode,
I try to make something that you can share.
So you've become a reason that I write
And knowing that you're there makes words seem new.
These tired syllables seem far more bright
When I get Comments and some Likes from you.
So I keep pushing things out everyday,
Knowing full well that now I have a chance,
To give a little smile upon the way,
And share a little of life's funny dance.
So thanks for being there since number one,
This is for you. And that's five hundred done.
It makes a difference that I know you're there,
When I'm so bored I think that I'll implode,
I try to make something that you can share.
So you've become a reason that I write
And knowing that you're there makes words seem new.
These tired syllables seem far more bright
When I get Comments and some Likes from you.
So I keep pushing things out everyday,
Knowing full well that now I have a chance,
To give a little smile upon the way,
And share a little of life's funny dance.
So thanks for being there since number one,
This is for you. And that's five hundred done.
499 (04.10.2915)
It's funny how we turn to love in need,
When I feel down I often run to you,
Somehow you always know just what I need,
And what it will take for me to pull through.
It's no surprise that it's to you I turn,
You're little bits of me that I've mislaid,
And when I'm just about to crash and burn
You take my hand and all my troubles fade.
I hear my cynic serpent side and hiss
But when I'm near you cynicism's gone,
Your love replaces all that is amiss
And turns to gold all that it shines upon.
So in my hour of need you're where I go,
And all I love and all I need to know.
And all I love and all I need to know.
498 (03.11.2015)

When I was about fifteen years of age,
One of the lessons that I had to learn,
Kayaking on the sea with no heat gauge,
And with no shirt upon my pale, white back,
And no sun cream on any part of me,
Young and defenseless 'neath the sun's attack,
Whose violence it takes quite a while to see.
By the evening I was shivering and ill
Red and burnt, my skin tight and restricted,
So I could hardly move despite my will,
No sympathy, all pain self inflicted.
Laid in bed, peeled skin for two days on fire,
And did nothing but listen to Desire.
497 (02.11.2015)
Where are the good old days, where have they gone?
I used to laugh so much that I would cry,
It's now just memories old age shines upon,
And I watch laughing children pass me by.
But were the good old days really that good,
Or is it just our way of looking back?
Would you return there even if you could,
Sometimes when I think of the past it's black.
Perhaps the good old days are here and now,
And things are better than they've ever been,
But we've lost sight of all of that some how,
And all our busyness just makes us mean.
I think I'll slow down and appreciate,
How good life is before it's just too late.
496 (01.11.2015)
This is what it's like being a human
I have a body and I have some eyes
Inside me there's an angel and a demon
And both of them are wearing a disguise.
They fill my head with thoughts that make me think
I try to find a way but I am lost
Inside a place I cannot help but sink
On waves of doubt I am forever tossed.
I have to keep reminding myself that
I am a human being and I'm here
No more or less important than a gnat,
I live a while and then I disappear.
But still at times I feel that I am more,
Could it be true or is conscience a flaw?
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